Django Data Wizard
Django Data Wizard


Source: itertable.parsers

IterTable's Parser mixin classes facilitate parsing data from a loaded file object into a list of dicts. A parser is essentially just a class with parse() and dump() methods defined. In general, a parser class should just provide a wrapper around a third party API (e.g. csv, xml.etree or xlrd). A hypothetical parser class would look like this:

from some_library import some_api

class HypotheticalParser(BaseParser):
    def parse(self): = some_api.load(self.file)

    def dump(self, file):
        some_api.dump(, file)

As can be seen in the above example, the parse() function takes no arguments, instead assuming self.file has already been defined by a Loader mixin. The data object should be defined as a list of dicts (e.g. [{"id":1},{"id":2}]. If the result returned by the API has some other structure, it should be processed to match the expected format. The dump() function should accept a writable file handle as an argument and use the API to write the data object back to the file.

Extending Parser Classes #

There are two main ways in which parser classes are customized. One way is to define a completely new class to support a file format or API not currently supported by the built-in IterTable parsers. The other way, which is much more common, is to extend or change the behavior of an existing parser. With that in mind, each of the built-in parser classes is discussed below together with common customization options and techniques.

Non-Tabular Parsers #

Two of the built-in parsers are used for file formats that are not inherently tabular and can describe arbitrary data structures. While these file data formats are not inherently tabular, they often are used represent table-like data. These parsers directly extend BaseParser and have the tabular property set to False.

Non-tabular file formats allow for some records to have more fields than others. By default, IterTable only searches the first record when automatically determining field names. This can cause issues with TupleMapper in particular which expects consistent field names throughout the dataset. If this happens to you, set scan_fields = True on your class to tell IterTable to scan the entire dataset when determining field names.


The JSON parser is a simple wrapper around Python's built-in json API. JsonParser assumes the result of json.load(self.file) will either be an array or an object with an array somewhere in an inner property (in which case namespace should be set). Each item in the array is assumed to be a relatively flat key-value mapping. The keys of the first item in the array will be assumed to be the same for the rest of the items.

JsonParser supports the following options, specified as properties on the class or instance:

Properties #
namespaceThe dotted path to the array within the JSON object. For example, if the expected JSON will be of the form {"records":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]} then the namespace should be "records".
indentUsed by the dump() method, which passes it on to json.dump to "pretty-print" the output JSON file.

The XML parser is a simple wrapper around Python's built-in xml.etree API. While it can be adapted to work with arbitrary XML documents, it assumes a basic structure like the following:


In addition to the parse() and dump() methods, XmlParser provides row-level methods, described below.

Properties & Methods #
root_tagThe name of the top level XML tag. Determined automatically by parse(); only required for dump().
item_tagThe name of the series tag. Defaults to the name of the first child tag under the root. parse() will conduct a search for all instances of item_tag (whether explicitly specified or computed) and call parse_item() on each result. Required for dump_item().
parse_item(elem)If overridden, should return a dict corresponding to the item. The default implementation assumes each property is specified as an inner tag name and XML attributes are ignored.
dump_item(obj)The inverse of parse_item(); if overridden, should accept a dict and return an Element instance.
Tabular Parsers #

The tabular parsers are geared toward handling spreadsheets and other tabular data formats. These formats are differentiated from the non-tabular formats in that there is typically a single grid structure encompassing the entire file, and the field names / column headings are listed only once (usually, but not always, in the first row of the file).

The tabular parsers extend itertable.base.TableParser, which defines the following properties:

tabular = TrueThe tabular property is used to signify the presence of these other properties. It is checked by Django Data Wizard when importing data.
header_rowThe location of the column headers within the table. This is often 0 (the first row), but can be determined automatically by examining the first few rows of the table.
max_header_rowThe maximum number of rows to scan looking for the column headers. The default is 20.
start_rowThe first row containing actual data. This defaults to header_row + 1. Useful when there is an empty row or two between the column headers and data in a spreadsheet.
extra_dataA sparse matrix containing any data found in the cells above the header row. The format is {row: {col: "Data"}}. Currently only supported by ExcelParser.

CsvParser utilizes Python's csv module to provide a CSV-capable TableParser. CsvParser leverages SkipPreludeReader, a customized DictReader that adds support for files that have extra "prelude" text before the actual header row.

Properties & Methods #
delimiterColumn separator, default is ,
quotecharQuotation character for text values containing spaces or delimiters, default is "
reader_class()Method returning an uninstantiated DictReader class for use in parsing the data. The default method returns a subclass of SkipPreludeReader that passes along the max_header_row option.
[ExcelParser (WorkbookParser)itertable.parsers.xls #

ExcelParser provides support for .xlsx files via the openpyxl module, while OldExcelParser supports .xls if xlrd and xlwt are installed. ExcelParser and OldExcelParser extend a somewhat more generic WorkbookParser, with the idea that the latter could eventually be extended to other "workbook" style formats like ODS.

Note: In previous versions of itertable, ExcelParser relied on xlrd to support both .xlsx and .xls formats. Now that xlrd has dropped .xlsx support, ExcelParser has been rewritten to use openpyxl, which only supports .xlsx files. The old xlrd-based ExcelParser class has been renamed to OldExcelParser. (In most cases you can just use itertable.load_file() which automatically determines whether to use ExcelParser or OldExcelParser).

Properties #
sheet_nameDetermines which sheet to load data from in an multi-sheet workbook. Defaults to 0 (the first sheet)
Methods #
sheet_namesList the available sheets in the workbook (declared as a @property method).
parse_workbook()Load self.file into a Workbook or equivalent class and save it to self.workbook
parse_worksheet(name)Load the specified worksheet into memory and save an array of row objects to self.worksheet
parse_row(row)Convert the given row object into a dict, usually by mapping the column header to the value in each cell
get_value(cell)Retrieve the actual value from the cell.

The methods listed above are called in turn by parse(), which is defined by WorkbookParser. Working implementations of the methods are defined in ExcelParser and OldExcelParser.

© 2012-2022 by S. Andrew Sheppard